CFA to Money Coach

Her Future Bright and Fleur Iannazzo

I talk to Chanelle about working for 10 years in Hong Kong and how that changed the way I talk about money. About how I came to London to continue my banking career (and how that DIDN’T go to plan). The shit you have to put up with as a working parent, and the shit you shouldn’t have to put up with when you are starting out. Feel free to listen at 2x speed! As always, do rate and recommend, and check out more of Chanelle’s interviews.

Replace Your Spending Zing With a Saving Zing

Experiences that make you feel good, activate your brain’s reward centre, which responds by releasing a neurotransmitter called dopamine. Dopamine plays a key role in establishing and reinforcing habits – including bad habits – by linking the things that make you feel good with the desire to do them again. Dopamine is that little zing…

WTF Files: The Coffee Snob Gives Up Coffee for a Month


In a misguided attempt to become more frugal one February, I decided to give up coffee for a month.  I freely admit, I’m addicted to the stuff.  So, when I say a month – I lasted – well – less than a month.  Because I failed.  Badly.  After a week I returned to the café…

Making Investment Decisions: Do’s and Don’ts of investments

We’ve done a lot of thinking so far about making investment decisions, so let me warn you about some things to AVOID. Analysis paralysis:  you can always gather more information and built another spreadsheet.  At some point you have to stop thinking and make a bloody decision!  (How many times have I wished to yell…

Making Investment Decisions: The WTF Investment Framework

Investment framework

There are eight key matters to think about when considering any investment. These form the investment framework. 1) Why do I want to invest; or What’s the point of making this investment? – To generate a secondary income; – To make a capital gain or to save some money; – To offset or otherwise manage…

Making Investment Decisions: The Groundwork

Answering the question ‘What should I invest in?’ can be as complicated or as straightforward as you want it to be. Because of this ambiguity, the wealth of information (pardon the pun) and competing opinions on where you should put your money can be hard to sift through

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