WTF is…a Financial Check-Up?

Financial Check Up

What can a financial check up do for you?

Do you feel like life is getting out of control with energy and food costs going up?  Is the anxiety creeping up on you and affecting your life?  It might help you to do a financial check-up to get a good picture of what is actually going on right now.  You can see where where you are doing fine, and what areas you need to focus on.


Why do a check-up?

A lot of people avoid looking at their money situation in the hope that things will just improve.  But having a look is actually the first step in taking responsibility and control of what is going on.  Simply doing this will reduce your anxiety.

It may feel a bit like an unnecessary hassle at first (heck, who likes checking their paperwork anyway?) but is definitely worth sifting through the information.  I’ve kept it as brief as possible, and leave it up to you as to how much detail you want to improve.


My quick and dirty method that works

Some financial checks focus too much on the longer term (i.e. total net wealth) or too much on the shorter term (immediate budget) – so I like to balance this and look at short, medium- and long-term horizons.

To balance this, I am very happy to use guess-timates and round numbers when doing this quick check-up.  I can always decide later if I need to double check that I have the numbers right, or I’ve captured everything.  For the moment, near enough is good enough.

Use the following table template to take the temperature of your own finances.

Use this template to work out where you are financially.


And if you would like to talk about this with me – you can book a 30-minute chat to go over it together FREE!  How cool is that?


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