I have a very big ask

There is a note in my diary to ‘write a blog about financial integrity’ – and this is part of my Money Pizza series of articles.  

And I am stuck. 

Because financial integrity means so many things. 

It means paying what you can afford to pay for someone whose work is valuable to you.  It is about being honest with your dealings.  It is about walking the talk. 

It is about creating a future for the world that is safe for your children – and all of their beautiful friends and families.  Wherever they may be in the world.

It also means quitting a job that you fundamentally don’t believe in.  Leaving a company who doesn’t actually live up to the values of ‘Drive, integrity and trust’ – even though that’s what they have on their marketing materials.

I’m going to go out on a limb here by asking you to consider this…

If you feel powerless to help the people who are currently affected by an insane war – consider how the company you work for supports conflict.

Does your company truly deserve your expertise to ‘work around’ sanctions and laws?  Does that company deserve your time, so that their clients and profitable customers cans still support corrupt and insane regimes?

Bankers, drivers, accountants, mechanics, IT specialists, cleaners, engineers, traders, secretaries, consultants and support staff – you have the visibility to see through to whom your employers’ clients are. 

And if you don’t like the names you see – leave.

That company does not deserve your amazing brain, your hard work, and your valuable and limited time on this Earth.

We must all understand the small – and yet important – part that we all play in economies which support and enable corrupt and insane regimes that care nothing for carnage and the destruction of people’s homes and freedoms. 

I plead with you – deprive those economies of your expertise. 

Leave the companies that support madmen, tyrants and their cronies. 

The companies that prop up and service autocrats and dictators. 

It’s a very scary thing to do – but ultimately, your role matters. 

What you do matters.

Stop the war.

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