Tag Archives: Do’s and Don’ts of investments

Make good money decisions

make good money decisions

When you are trying to make good decisions about money – it is so tempting to just focus on the numbers and ignore everything else – right?  Wrong.  If that were the case, we could let our calculators make the decisions for us.

How do I invest when the market is going crazy?

Checking the news constantly will increase your anxiety.

Thanks to @bhavesh1024 for this excellent question. When everyone around you is panicking about market downturns and recession on the horizon, how can you avoid the crazy sell off?  And importantly, how do you ensure that those around you make good decisions as well? These are chaotic times and – no matter what experience you…

Making Investment Decisions: Do’s and Don’ts of investments

We’ve done a lot of thinking so far about making investment decisions, so let me warn you about some things to AVOID. Analysis paralysis:  you can always gather more information and built another spreadsheet.  At some point you have to stop thinking and make a bloody decision!  (How many times have I wished to yell…

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