Tag Archives: groundwork for investment decisions

Make good money decisions

make good money decisions

When you are trying to make good decisions about money – it is so tempting to just focus on the numbers and ignore everything else – right?  Wrong.  If that were the case, we could let our calculators make the decisions for us.

Introducing the Money Pizza

Money taboo; financial coaching; financial confidence; money talk

Break the taboo around talking about money with this simple tool – the Money Pizza! Get a handle on where you really are with your money, and where to focus your efforts. The Money Pizza. It’s tasty. You’ll like it.

Making Investment Decisions: The Groundwork

Answering the question ‘What should I invest in?’ can be as complicated or as straightforward as you want it to be. Because of this ambiguity, the wealth of information (pardon the pun) and competing opinions on where you should put your money can be hard to sift through

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