Why does your money story even matter? If you are trying to change the way you behave with money, why bother looking into your past? Because to deal with money well, you need to know what goes in the background of your mind. Often an echo of a memory can pop up – sometimes at the oddest times – with an unhelpful effect on your money habits.
Tag Archives: new habits
Find out if you are living in a financial fantasy, and how to get out of fairy land!
When clients come to me for negotiation skills coaching, many struggle to separate negotiation from ideas of fighting, argument and conflict. The core of this is that many people – especially women – see negotiations as risky situations threatening their relationships. When you need to negotiate with your partner or employer – you may worry that asking for more could undermine your relationship.
Break the taboo around talking about money with this simple tool – the Money Pizza! Get a handle on where you really are with your money, and where to focus your efforts. The Money Pizza. It’s tasty. You’ll like it.
Ahhhh, the second week in January. How we love to hate thee. The Christmas decorations have been taken down, the hangovers have cleared (except for that one still on the credit card), and we are getting back to the work and university grind. Those shiny new years resolutions are in the recycling bin, ready to…