Tag Archives: spending

Your money story matters more than you think

Picture of a small bonsai tree in a container about to be clipped by scissors

Why does your money story even matter? If you are trying to change the way you behave with money, why bother looking into your past?    Because to deal with money well, you need to know what goes in the background of your mind.  Often an echo of a memory can pop up – sometimes at the oddest times – with an unhelpful effect on your money habits.

Do you suffer from Financial Fairytale Syndrome?

One knight in shining armour, coming right up!

Find out if you are living in a financial fantasy, and how to get out of fairy land!

You are not Homo Economicus

Two hands

In traditional economics, you are told that humans basically make financial decisions like robots. I sat through lecture after lecture being told to make decisions in my own self interest – and frankly, I struggled with that idea. Because my self interest was not just about getting the best price, or the ‘highest economic value’.   That doesn’t work for humans in reality.

You better read this before you set up a budget

The joys of budgeting

What can you do to control your spending if budgeting doesn’t work for you? Are you someone who never has money left over at the end of your pay period? I certainly have.

Did you save money last Christmas? That’ll be bad for you this year.

Marketers are desperate to part you from your money this Christmas – and after the 2020 effect on sales, they are going to do whatever they can to get your cash. But once you know what to look out for, and what to consider – you will be far less likely to be sucked in.

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